
Friday, November 11, 2011

Favorite Things Friday : Nov. 11

these are a few of my favorite things...

1. this song.
Forever Reign by Kristian Stanfill

Kristian was actually here in Aubs for a event we had Tuesday called Ignite. Louie Giglio spoke and Kristian and Christy Nockels led worship. it was such a sweet time and a privilege to participate in. so cool see true revival in the hearts of over 3,000 students. but I love what this song says. every single word.
such a great reminder that our God is good and He is here and alive! He is our love, our hope, our peace, and our joy. His promises are true and He will always be enough. 

2. these LEAVES!

(pic via pinterest)

I think yellow leaves are my favorite. I love seeing all the changing leaves on the drive back to Birmingham. fall is my favorite thing in the world. everything about it. mmmm..

3. this book.
Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis.

you all know her. you all love her. this sister's obedience to go to Uganda and leave everything behind is so encouraging to me. I just started it, and I can't wait to read more. I had the privilege of hearing her speak at Church of Brookhills a few weeks ago when I went home. her willingness to do whatever the Lord's calls her to is so evident. she is a woman after His own heart, y'all. check out her blog and this book!

4. Nugget.
the word and the car.

this is Nugget. Alex's rental car. he hit a deer last week, and the Honda place so kindly gave him this little baby while his car gets fixed. isn't it precious? and so appropriately named Nugget! it's a tight squeeze for 3 people, but it has a bumpin' sound system. also, the word 'nugget' is quickly becoming the most used word in my vocabulary. like I use it more than I use to word 'kitten'..which is a lot. everyone and everything has become nugget. yay for new words!

5. butter crunch.

Chels and I decided we needed a little taste of home. noone in Aubs is cool enough to have real ice cream. so we went ahead and got some on our first trip to Kroger (and became members..with discounts. wahoover!). JenJen is the best hall director EVER for keeping it in her big freezer for us; therefore, she gets to be in the picture.

what's one of your favorite things this week? 

happy weekend and war eagle y'all! 

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